When Helpers Look like Truth-Tellers – And the Topic That Won’t Be Televised (Yet)

Fred Rogers’ mom told him to “Look for the helpers.”

Helpers come in many forms.

They can also look like Truth-Tellers. Risk-It-All-ers. Bell Ringers.

One of those helper-truth-tellers is Jill Grunewald, a functional medicine certified health coach, bestselling author, founder of Healthful Elements, a fellow Minnesotan—and a brave soul who became a dear friend last year.

Today I’m sharing her incredibly well-written and impeccably researched article/ebook:

“Why I’m Against Mandating Vaccines: How We’ve Been Misled About the Anti-Vaxx Movement and Why Medical Freedom Matters”

But first…before I share that link…ask yourself why.

Why in today’s polarized climate, would someone put their livelihood on the line and risk their relational capital if it didn’t have immense importance to helping our future generations?

We ALL want healthy children, adults and families.

So whether you’re a veteran researcher on this topic or new to this conversational revolution (which is NOT being televised), I invite you to find a comfy place to engage with this piece on an uncomfortable topic that greatly impacts every one of us and our future health.

In it you’ll see the REAL matters at hand on this uncomfortable topic (hint: it’s not what you think.)

Read the article for yourself … you may find you agree, too, once you learn what’s been intentionally hidden from you:

Why I’m Against Mandating Vaccines
by Jill Grunewald

Download the ebook version here.

Once you’ve absorbed and digested, act. Share with a friend. Share with your health practitioners. And consider the timely action items Jill shares in the article.

Each one of us is now enrolled in this rumble. Let’s go!

Education on a Stick: The Millions March Represents at the Minnesota State Fair

Freedom and vaccine safety advocates bringing education on a stick to the Minnesota State Fair. Credit: Kris Duryea

Pronto pups. Deep fried candy bar on a stick. Alligator on a stick.

The Minnesota State Fair is famous for serving up a diverse array of things to chew on…on a stick.

So why not offer a healthy dose of vaccine risk education on a stick?

That’s exactly what I and a few dozen of us did Saturday morning in St. Paul, Minnesota.

With our factual, educational “sign bites” (visual sound bites), we turned heads, planted seeds and inspired conversations as we joined with thousands of other peaceful advocates in cities around the country who held demonstrations against forced vaccines.

Exercising freedom and sharing a dose of reality is a great reason to smile! Credit: HolisticGPS

When the National Millions March against Mandatory Vaccinations was set for August 31, some of our brilliant local advocates decided the State Fair would be the perfect spot for our local Twin Cities march. And indeed it was!

The MN State Fair is the second-largest state fair in the country, drawing more than 2 million people in 12 days. And the Saturday of Labor Day weekend crowds can pull upwards of 250,000 hungry fairgoers in a day.

Our local crew was organized by the Vaccine Safety Council of Minnesota and fellow citizens passionate about freedom and choice.

A sign of our times. Marching to keep our freedoms is the American way. Credit: Kris Duryea

We encountered people who were excited to see our educational flashmob. We received several horn honks and cheers and only encountered couple negative folks as we walked along Snelling Avenue and Midway, to honor the parameters of our permit.

One of the police officers assigned to us for protection told one of our group leaders that he and his large family don’t vaccinate their children now either.

I only encountered a few negative folks, and of those, they were in true “Minnesota Nice” form. For instance, a guy covered his nose with his shirt while he walked by us. I guess he assumes we weren’t vaccinated and he clearly doesn’t trust the supposed “efficacy” of his own vaccines.

But arguing the efficacy was not the point of our march.

The point of the educational march was 1) Showing up and 2) Saying YES to personal choice and NO to mandates (i.e. pharma-government forced vaccines) and sharing a few of the vaccine safety facts most people don’t know:

  • Vaccine manufacturers are exempt from liability.
  • The average FDA “safety” test for vaccines is 4.5 DAYS (compared to 4.5 YEARS for drugs). This is due to a loophole because vaccines are classified as a “biologic” not a drug.
  • Vaccines are not tested against placebos! 
  • U.S. law states that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe.” (So the “safe and effective” mantra the pharma-bought media parrots doesn’t hold weight)
  • Live virus vaccines do shed and spread disease. (Some people DO get and spread measles, mumps from the MMR, pertussis from the DTap, etc.)

Crucial facts for every individual and every parent to chew on!

Thanks to Joshua Coleman in California for the sign inspiration!

Continuing the conversation inside the fairgrounds

I had a commitment after the march, so I was unable to spend the rest of the day inside the Fair, but Patti Carroll, co-founder of the Vaccine Safety Council of Minnesota, said they had a lot of great conversations and support inside the fairgrounds!

A handful of MN State Legislators, including State Senator Dr. Scott Jensen and Rep. Eric Lucero, who are strong advocates for medical freedom and preserving bodily autonomy.

State Senator Dr. Scott Jensen is one of many physicians who has researched beyond the surface to see that the science is not there to justify forced vaccines. Credit: Kris Duryea


MN Rep. Eric Lucero is a strong voice with a huge heart for medical freedom!

Conversations with people on all levels of the learning curve (we all started at zero)

Here’s the thing. All of us at one point were ignorant about the missed information and missing science behind vaccines!

We trusted our doctors and nurses.

They in turn trusted the government alphabet agencies to give them reports.

The government outsourced that trust and asked the industrial vaccine manufacturers to play nice.

They haven’t.

THAT’s what we’re dealing with. Decades of misplaced trust. And corruption breeds in that kind of environment.

So because of that cascade, there are people at all levels of the learning curve: From the “I put full faith in all pharmaceutical authorities and give them control of my medical choices” to the other end of the spectrum… “The industry does not have a track record of ethics so I’ll retain my right to choose, thank you.”

That’s why there are bound to be many people who are still at the starting point of this vaccine risks learning curve and the Vaccine Safety Council engaged with them too.

They simply haven’t heard the missed information. 

Patti and Kristin, co-founders of the Safety Council of Minnesota. Credit: Kris Duryea

Patti Carroll, co-founder of the VSCM, writes:

“There was the one guy who tried to explain why we should force vaccines by claiming it costs $5 to give an MMR vaccine [editor’s note, it’s actually $21], but $5,000 to treat a case of measles (which is ridiculous!). When I was a kid, everyone got the measles. We stayed home for a week, and mom fed us soup and popsicles. When we returned to school, we had TRUE, lifelong immunity.

So I also mentioned to this guy that if you’re going to try and justify forced vaccines using COST as your reasoning, you need to also factor in the cost of treating those who are inevitably harmed by the vaccine itself. Most compensated claims are upwards of $5,000,000 to care for vaccine-injured, brain-damaged child for life. The conversation abruptly ended at this point…”

Carroll also shared that they went to the Minnesota Department of Health booth and called them out for breaking the law. “Their handout on “immunization” requirements for school entry did not contain information on exemptions,” said Patti on her Facebook post. “This violates Minnesota Statute 121A.15. Everyone should file complaints with the MN attorney general!!”

Even teenagers are speaking truth to power! Linae Lars brings a dose of truth to the MN Department of Health. Credit: Kris Duryea


Defending those who are most vulnerable from pharma coercion. Credit: HolisticGPS

Need an exemption form or decline document? Download a sample of exemption form here or make your own.

Want to get involved or get more information? Send me an email at jenny@HolisticGPS.com.

A Difference Between Safety and Efficacy—And the Research We Actually Need

An acquaintance of mine who works in healthcare asked me a question on Facebook this week:

“What study would you need to see to begin supporting vaccination?”

I was shocked. Actually, I was deeply concerned and disheartened by the question and I told him my concern.

“If it only takes one study to convince healthcare professionals to support any kind of medical procedure, no wonder our healthcare system is in such chaos,” I thought to myself.

(Side note: He knows, and just so each of you reading here know that I’m not anti-vaccine. Rather, I’m pro-safety, pro-science, pro-transparency, pro-informed consent, pro-medical choice, pro-health freedom, pro-parental rights, pro-research, pro-medical pluralism and pro-all life,  … well, except for spiders, I support end-of-life consequences for arachnids who invade my living quarters.)

He conceded the error in his question and rephrased it: “What studies would you need to see to begin supporting vaccination?”

I loved his revised question.

So I did a brain dump of a few dozen thoughts and quick polled a few people who know more than I do on this topic, and asked what they would add to the list.

Because real research is a never-ending puzzle. The shape and number of the pieces are always changing. So we must be willing and eager to continually examine our assumptions.

Sadly, what seems to pass as “good research” these days is the equivalent of force fitting two pieces of a 5,000-piece puzzle together and calling it a day.

“The research is settled” some will say.

Meanwhile, you and I and millions of other people glare at the 4,998 untouched pieces on the table and shake our heads.

Science is never “settled”.

In fact, on this topic, it’s barely begun.

So here is how I responded to the question:

I really appreciate your question because it helps me be a better researcher and consumer of research.

Any person, news outlet or doctor who says vaccines are completely safe are anti-science in my view because it is not good science to deem something safe that has ever been studied long-term for safety or for their synergistic effects.

There may be a few studies suggesting single shot efficacy, I’ll give you that, but most were paid for by the industry, so those unfortunately discredit themselves due to the conflicts of interest.

As a preamble, it’s wise to remember that efficacy and safety are not the same thing.

For example, nuclear bombs may be effective in eradicating some terrorist cells. But nuclear bombs are not safe. Too many casualties of war and life-long impairments, including death of those who were never a threat to begin with.

There are so many safer, more humane ways to strengthen the immune system without vaccines. (But they don’t get airtime by Pharma since their business model only makes money from disease or disease management, not from healthy people.)

Anyways, back to your question, here are a few answers for starters (I came up with most of these myself and asked a few friends who have studied more than I have what they would add and included their answers too)—because we don’t even know what we don’t know yet.

Findings from any of the following would naturally lead to more inquiries.

First, before anything else, remove the legal immunity from the vaccine manufacturers—so the pharmaceutical companies are once again subject to liability for injuries and deaths. There is no incentive for Pharma to make them safer since there is no liability. Your and my tax dollars should not pay for negligence by corporations. (No liability, no deal.)

    1. Several independent meta analyses(gold standard reviews) by independent scientists, researchers and doctors from diverse training (allopathic, naturopathic and more) who are not funded in any form by pharmaceutical interests. (Medical pluralism is a strength, not a weakness.)
    2. Vaccine inserts say it has not been studied for carcinogenic or mutagenic properties or ability to impair fertility (so that’s a good place to look.)
    3. Independent studies comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated populations. (Hasn’t been done.)
    4. Several generational studies examining the lifetime health and generational health of those who have been vaccinated and those who have not been vaccinated. (Hasn’t ever been done.)
    5. Independent studies investigating the multiple interacting factors, both short- and long-term synergistic effects of the current vaccine schedule in large samples. (Also never been done.)
    6. Research exploring the effects of bioaccumulation over time and its impact on neurological functions.
    7. This is a big one: Genetic research studying susceptibility to vaccine injuries so we have better data to “do no harm.” (MTHFR gene mutation for example are highly susceptible to adverse effects.)
    8. Go beyond the surface for autism and vaccine links and look into the genetics specifically of different populations.Especially when studies already show that African American children and the Somali populations in the U.S. and abroad have higher rates of autism. The CDC already does their Community Report on autism every 4 years or so, but they need to continue to do research on why it is, not only reporting what is.
    9. Environmental studies — how do different environments shape susceptibility to adverse effects.
    10. Research showing no correlation to autoimmune diseases. (There are SO many linked possible side effects that need to be explored with intensity.)
    11. Safe adjuvants (for all vaccines) and safe cell substrates (for live virus vaccines). Both of which would need to undergo individual testing using the gold standard double blind randomized saline placebo. And the testing would need to be carried on long term at least 10-15 years before marketing the vaccine so any late effects (especially cancer, diabetes and other autoimmune illnesses ) could be studied.
    12. Testing every vaccine for safe amounts of adjuvant for different patient weights, (applying the same standards other drugs are subject to.)
    13. Studies that show repeatedly that an IgG inoculation (blood born) increases an IgA (gut born immunity) response safely. (Because science can rarely prove…the results or findings merely suggest.)


Again, this is just for starters.

As the saying goes, “When is the best time to plant a tree? 50 years ago. When is the next best time? Today.”

Let’s get at this research, folks.

Call for independent research.


Find out who funds every study that the news outlets share (both mainstream and independent news outlets!), look at the researchers and see if they are transparent with their lenses. Do they disclose their conflicts of interest?

What was their research question? What was the population or sample size? What method(s) of data collection did they choose? What types of data analysis did they include and not include? How are they measuring reliability and validity?

In what culture of inquiry did they ground their study? What is their axiology? Ontology? Epistemology?

These questions are Basic Research 101. (Thanks to my my research professors in graduate school who taught us to discern sound research principles and held us to a higher standard for good reason.)

Because good science ALWAYS invites questions and scrutiny.

When the science is solid and ethical, it invites questions and it will hold up to simple and intense questions.

But if the science is shaky or a result of poor study design and weak ethics, it will bully those who ask questions and censor those who do.

It’s easy to make conclusions from a headline.

It’s easier to trust those who have been paid or financially rewarded or propped up by the industry with a false sense of legitimacy.

But science is not about what’s easy or comfortable. It’s about continually searching. And searching again. And again.

That is the purpose and definition of Re-Search.*

Don’t even take my word for it. Research and discern for yourself every topic. Because we all need to be good researchers and good consumers of research. And above all, teachable.

So let’s stay curious, friends.


*From the Latin meaning “again and again” or “back” and from the Old French meaning “to seek out, to search closely.” Dictionary.com and Online Etymological Dictionary

Photo credit: Hans-Peter Gauster